Monday, May 19, 2014

Momma'z Boi Nijae Lopez


Hey Nijae, how have you been?

I have been amazing... Just handling life one day at a time... Collecting and Learning more about who Nijae is everyday #AmericasSweetheart

Where are you originally from and where do you call home?
I am originally from Florida... But I have live all over the Southern Region of the US... But where I call home is ATL... Even though I have branched off to the Big Apple NYC... ATL has help to shape me and groom me into the man I am TODAY <3

Are there any love interests in your life currently?

Um I plead the 5th... Lol but of course I hold a special person dear to heart... I don't know what it is about this someone but our chemistry is just amazing when we are together... It's just an underline attraction that anyone can see but it can't be explained... But we are NOT together... It's less complicated to just live in those moments with HIM... Hopefully 1 Day We will have OUR moment for LIFE... #TattedTeddy <3

What characteristics would make a guy the idea mate for you?

 I need someone who just allows me to be me... The pure me Romantic, Loving, and Caring... I must say my number 1 characteristic would have to be Loyalty... 2nd Honesty... With those any "Ship" relation or friend will be built to last... #Relationship101

What do you believe is the key component to a healthy successful relationship?

Just answered that but truly being open with one another... Your partner should be the one person who loves who you are... However be there to push and motivate you to be everything you can be... We as people live sometimes in a state of doubt... I feel if two people truly love each other... Them together should become better people because of that LOVE... i.e. The Carter-Knowles The Obamas... Hell most defiantly The Clintons

If you could go back in time and change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Nothing... If most people looked at LIFE as it helped shape you to be the Best you... YOU can be... If we allow even the unhappy moments to uplift us instead of tear us down... People would not change things they have been through... We get stuck in transition... One of my TOP favorite movies is "Precious"... I watch it when I get down or upset... I say to myself... "If she can get up...Go On... I can"... It's strengthening to know "You Can"... And "YOU CAN"... Believe it... Sometimes we need someone to tell US that... #AmericasSweetheart <3 #Each1Teach1

After the success of Momma’z Boi we’ve been seeing a lot more of you. What was your motivation for filming Momma’z Boi?
 My motivation to do Momma'z Boi was to help create a platform for the people around me who wanted "To Do" entertainment... It was my Mothers dream... My Boyfriend at the time dream... My good friend Poetiik Soulja's dream... And now my awesome co producer Lyriqal Blyss's dream... I just have a determination that comes with helping people... It's pushes me to make things happen by any means necessary... #ItsHandled #RoyalFamily

What was the most challenging thing about shooting Momma’z Boi, and what did you learn from it?
The most challenging thing IS trying to work with my friends and family... Sometimes the lines get blurred and while we are working on this together... I sometimes miss the times of just being Family instead of Co-Workers... It has taught me to take time off... Even though I still need to work on that... I'm always working... So it's kind of my own fault... I sometimes need them to pull me out of work mode and just have FUN...

Is Jae Boogie REALLY your biological mom, or is it just a hoax?
Yes...  Jae Boogie is really my mother... We just have young genes in our family... Thank Lord... And Mother that was not a "PLASTIC" answer Lol... LOVE YOU <3

When you first started shooting Momma’z Boi, what was your expectation? Has the series met that expectation?
I think my expectations grew... I mean when it first was inspired it was only to help my mother with an audition tape... But the Fans of the show caused my expectations for Momma'z Boi to grow... I still feel it has more potential... And I do have many expectations for the show but it is for the Fans... They are my driving force... Because they are so into it... I love it

What’s a behind the scenes secret that fans wouldn’t know that you think would be interesting?
I think one of the best kept secrets of MB is that I actually Played opposite myself in "The Shooting of Michael"... That was a very creative thing to do... I shot Myself lol... Thanks Kevin and LB for making it happen so impactful though

Ok, spill the beans…. Does Michael really die in the season finale?
Ok we actually wrote out 2 scripts... One where Michael lives... Tells a story of a kid and his family dealing with this situation and another where Michael Dies... Where it tells a story of a family dealing with the loss of a lover and a son... But stay tuned to see which one is chosen #KeepMikeAlive campaign... We need you to Donate Fans <3

So we know that Momma’z Boi Season Two is in pre-production, fans are excited to see what’s going to happen, what should we expect to see?
It's a Surprise... Our show ended on an element of surprise and so shall it being the same... But like I said stay tuned... Season two will be a lot more scandalous... #ItsHandled

Do you guys plan on releasing any more DVDs for Season One?
It's a possibility... We have been actually looked at by some networks... So it really just depends on that...

Who is iCandi?
 Lol... Oh Lawd... Ok... iCandi is my dancer name... Yes I dance exotically lol... But yea I started dancing when I was 21... iCandi is also more of my sexual side... I'm really reserved personally but that's my more free spirited side... NOT A HOE... Cause some sort of Class should be held in everything you do... That's why I will never call myself a stripper... There's a difference if you’re in the life... However Perception is Peoples Reality... So what you know is I'm a Smart Dancer ;)

What’s something that you would want your followers to know about you?
That I'm only human... I make mistakes... I get hurt... I have feelings... And if anyone who actually listen to me instead of only looking at me would understand that... I'm a Hopeless Romantic... Who wants to create a world where people are comfortable... Loving of themselves and Respecting of others... #AmericasSweetheart

How can your fans and followers find you?
Facebook: Nijae Lopez
IG: @TheRealNijae
YouTube: Momma'z Boi
Twitter (even though I'm not on there much): @Red_iCandi
Also... Please Make Sure You Guys Visit the #KeepMikeAlive PAGE... and DONATE
Thank you so much for taking the time to interview with me! We look forward to seeing the great things that you’re working on!

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